Kettlebell training: 7 benefits & reasons to start today!

You really want that amazing looking physique you’ve always dreamed about.  You want to get ripped and lean.  Plus, you want to pack on some muscle on top of that.  But sometimes life get’s in the way.

Whatever it may be: work, school, children, hobbies,…  It’s like you never have any time for yourself.  You just don’t see yourself going to the gym everyday and training for 1,5 hour.

In that case, kettlebell training might be just the thing you need!  It’s super effective and will easily fit into your already busy schedule.  And above that: to feel like a real man, there’s nothing like swinging a heavy kettlebell.

What is kettlebell training?

So what is a kettlebell exactly?  It looks like a cannonball with a handle on it.  And it comes in different sizes and weights, depending on your strength and goals.  It’s originated in Russia.  The Soviet Army used them for physical training.  Afterwards, it got popularized around the world by Soviet special force trainer Pavel Tsatsouline.

It’s designed differently than a dumbbell or a barbell, because it is meant to be used in a more dynamic way.

Nowadays, you can also get adjustable hand weights.  That way you can change the weight of the kettlebell with a pin, so you don’t need to buy various sizes.

What are the benefits of kettlebell training?

The best benefit of all is that kettlebell training is a strength workout and cardiovascular training combined.  You don’t have to decide:

Will I do cardio or strength training today? With a kettlebell you’ll do both.

Kettlebells are designed differently than dumbbells or a barbell, because they are meant to be used in a more dynamic way.  They are designed to get you moving.  When you start swinging that kettlebell, your heart rate will go up in no time.  It’s an awesome aerobic workout. You’ll be gasping for air, as you see your sweat dripping on the floor!

Meanwhile you’re strengthening and toning your muscles. It’s great to use in High Intensity Interval training (HIIT) or Tabata.  With HIIT training you will do short bursts of intense activity, alternating with short periods of rest.  In a short time, you will be able to burn off a ton of calories, making the kettlebell a great tool for your weight-loss goals.

Many kettlebell exercises are compound movements, meaning they work several muscles at the same time.  This way you’ll burn more calories quickly.  So before you know it, you’ll be on the road for your six-pack abs.

Kettlebell training is far from boring

A lot of people find doing cardio boring.  By cardio, they usually mean low-intensity endurance training, like running on a treadmill.  Kettlebell training is there to make cardio fun again.  There’s a ton of different exercises to choose from, so you won’t get bored.  Most of the workouts progress from one exercise to the next in a circuit, without putting down the kettlebell.

So no need to waste hours on the treadmill anymore.  Just get yourself a pair of kettlebells and you’re good to go.  On top of giving you great results, they will add variety to any workout program.  A 30-minute workout will just fly by. When you’re used to doing regular strength training, doing kettlebell training can also be a relief.  You don’t have to rest and wait in between every set, like when you’re lifting a heavy barbell.  For many people, this makes kettlebell training more enjoyable than pumping iron.

Kettlebell training will improve your posture

Another reason to start kettlebell training is when you have trouble with your posture or your lower back.  Almost any kettlebell exercise out there will work your core.  It will strengthen your abs, your obliques and your lower back and spine muscles.

Kettlebell exercises are all about balance.  Even if you’re doing a single arm exercise, you’ll need the muscles of your core and shoulders to balance the kettlebell.  A kettlebell might be all you need to protect your back and maintain a good posture.

Kettlebell training is simple & convenient

Kettlebell movements are typically pretty easy to learn.  With a little patience and focus, anybody can do it. To get started you just need to learn about 7-8 exercises and get yourself a kettlebell to get started.  To start, make sure you choose a circuit that works your upper and lower body as well.  As you’re getting accustomed to the basic exercises, you can always add extra and more complex movements later.

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